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TerrainCrate: Abandoned Town

TerrainCrate: Abandoned Town

Disney Shadowed Kingdom

Disney Shadowed Kingdom

Journal of the Travellers` Aid Society Volume Four

Availability: Out of stock
MGP 40030
Welcome to the Journal of the Travellers Aid Society, your indispensable guide to adventuring in the Far Future. Each volume is a treasure trove of information and game additions for Traveller, including adventures, new ships, alien creatures from across Charted Space, philosophical musings on the big empires, histories, different takes on familiar equipment, new vehicles, characters to be met in starports, playable alien races, and much, much more... Amongst the many articles in Volume Four, you will find: The Hlanssai, a fully playable alien race from the Vargr Extents; A Travellers guide to the Florian League; Siduri Station, a complete starport to visit and explore; The Mainstrider 300T, a new trading vessel for starting Travellers; A detailed look at sensor operations and how to get the best results from unknown blips; Imperial Marine Task Force Organisation.